10th blog

Dear Highschooler, I know some of you are wondering what college is like just like I was wondering whenever I was in high school. Well I’m here to tell you I have some college experience, only because I am a college student, but not a lot college isn’t that bad, you feel a lot more free when you in college think about it you don’t have your parents yapping in your ear 24/7 you’re also out here on your own. I’ve experienced some myths about college also synch as the school going to be hard, or Ima party too much I’m not going to want to go to class on time, etc. Guess what? I go to class every day, I’m not failing, neither do I party a lot. Many things weren’t explained in high school about college that I had to find out about when I first got into college, such as a 60- 69 is a D which is passing. There were a couple of uncovered truths about college that I transitioned on my own such as some professors are really cool such as one of my professors her name is Dr. Lisa she is one of the coolest professors you could have. Another uncovered truth is the food in college can be awful one week and good the next week. The last uncovered truth is that you can literally do whatever you want to do in college. I advise you high schoolers to do your research about college don’t just go off of what someone says.

Sincerely, Travon
